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St. George's Catholic School

Homework Catch Up Club

As part of our approach to support students who have fallen behind with homework we run a compulsory after school HW Catch Up Club. 
We believe that this is a valuable resource to support students.
To help parents better understand please read the outline below:
What is HW Catch Up Club (formally 5 O'Clock Club)?
An after school compulsory club for any student who has missed 2 or more pieces of homework in an academic week. 
Why do we need HW Catch Up Club?
Homework plays a key role in helping students improve their understanding. Students missing homework are falling behind their peers in terms of long term memory and progress.
What are the times and days of HW Catch Up Club?
Selected students must attend a 1 hour session after school for 4 consecutive days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday). Any sessions missed will be rolled over.
The time slot of the session is 3:15pm-4:15pm.
What happens if my child cannot attend HW Catch Up Club?
When not possible to attend please contact the school directly using the email: w.stevens@stgeorgesrc.org  or ask your child to provide Mr Stevens a note written by yourself outlining the reason and day they cannot attend.
What support will my child receive?
Students are provided computers and allocated staff members to support them. Staff will help students with HW wherever possible and ensure behaviour meets school expectations.
What happens if my child fails to attend?
Any student who fails to attend without providing a valid reason from their parent/guardian will receive an X sanction and the missed session will be rolled over to the following week. 
How will I know my child needs to attend?
Parents/guardians will receive an email from the school on a Friday, with students expected to attend the following Monday. Students will also be told in form time and during line up.
How can parents/guardians help?
Please encourage your child to compete homework consistently and ask them if they are up to date with the homework.
Please check your email and the Arbor app for any messages about your child attending and ask your child to check if they need to attend.
If your child is selected please actively encourage them to attend and to approach HW Catch Up Club with a positive attitude.
If you have any questions regarding the club please contact Mr Stevens using the email: w.stevens@stgeorgesrc.org