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St. George's Catholic School


St George’s Curriculum Intent 

Our curriculum structure and schemes of work are designed to provide deep, broad, inclusive experiences, coherently planned and sequenced, incorporating both substantive and disciplinary knowledge that reinforce understanding and skills, such that all pupils have a curriculum that is matched with needs at the appropriate pitch. The curriculum is regularly reviewed and updated ensuring it is cognisant of our local context, the expertise of our staff and the values of our school. At KS3 subject leads have designed their curriculum around the National Curriculum and have carefully considered students' previous learning in Key Stage 2 to ensure foundation skills and understanding are built upon and developed.

Our KS3 curriculum is broad and students delay picking their GCSE choices until the end of Year 9 to prevent narrowing. From Year 10 onwards, curriculum is matched to the demands of examination courses. The aims of the curriculum have been discussed with staff and how they connect to outcomes. Close analysis of outcomes leads to adjustments in curriculum to fill gaps and correct misconceptions. Outcomes would suggest that the curriculum is outstanding in KS3 and KS4, with our EBacc entry increasing every year.

At KS5, students can take an academic A level pathway, a vocational BTEC pathway, or a combination of the two in order to maximise their potential. Blocks are designed around student interviews to ensure that the majority of students can study their first choice subjects. In the delivery and sequencing of programmes of work, foundation skills from KS4 are built upon.

We include PSHCE, Relationship and Sex Education to the end that all pupils are able to make excellent progress, acquire cultural capital, inculcate British Values, understand the world of work and lifelong learning for future success in life. They should acquire the resilience and confidence to form respectful relationships in a modern world. We aim to further enrich our curriculum and ensure the spiritual, moral, and cultural development of our students.

All teachers embody the values of Catholic Social Teaching in their practice with a focus on being inclusive. SEND, PP and EAL students are all able to access and meet the desired end points via bespoke and directed strategies. Our curriculum alongside our 'Cornerstones for Learning' ensure that  lessons develop long-term memory, improve fluency, embed threshold concepts, encourage curiosity and make cross-curricular links. This is aided through a range of trips/clubs, the incorporation of student voice and a focus on the career links of all subjects.

At St. George's we aspire to enable to fullness of life through education and so ensure that all students are enabled to leave our school as conscientious and informed citizens of our community and world. They will embody the school’s Catholic values of love, service, charity, community, temperance, peace, faith, prayer, justice, integrity, courage and hope.