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St. George's Catholic School

Macmillan Coffee Morning and the great St. George’s Sugar Rush 2024

Macmillan Coffee Morning 2024

 On Friday 27 September, St. George’s came together in the name of all things cake to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. With 7 separate coffee morning events taking place around the school, staff and students surpassed themselves this year and the donations were incredible. Even the torrential downpours at breaktime and the potential for some very soggy bottoms couldn’t dampen the spirits.

The Year 7 Coffee Morning raised £340.31 with Year 8 raising a very palatable £125.95, Year 9 raising a tasty £134.98, Year 10 a very delectable £201.63 and Year 11 a sumptuous £264.47. The Sixth Form raised £72.21 with many students adding to the online donations. The staff Coffee Morning and online donations raised £864.50.

In total, St. George’s has currently raised £2,004.05 which will go to helping Macmillan Cancer Care support those living with cancer. Donations are still coming in and it is still possible to donate online via JustGiving. https://cm24.macmillan.org.uk/fundraising/cm24000275

Our events were held in loving memory of Mr John Buckley, one of our Deputy Headteachers at St. George’s who sadly passed away during the summer.
A colossal amount of sugar was consumed and the inevitable sugar high, and possibly sugar crash, was spectacular but it was all in the name of a wonderful cause. Thank you to everyone involved.