MacMillan Coffee Morning

On Friday 29th September, St. George's came together in the name of all things cake to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. With four separate coffee mornings taking place around the school, staff and students surpassed themselves this year and the donations were incredible. The Year 7 coffee morning raised nearly £350, Years 8 - 11 raised £475 in the main playground and £115 was raised by the Sixth Form. The staff coffee morning, with sweet treats baked by some very talented bakers on our staff team (and one very talented Year 7 student) raised over £400.
In total, St. George's staff and students have currently raised £1344.93 which will go to helping Macmillan Cancer Care support those living with cancer.
A colossal amount of sugar was consumed and the inevitable sugar high, and possibly sugar crash, was spectacular but it was all in the name of a wonderful cause.